A time of transition
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The beginning of autumn
What happens in a Craniosacral Therapy Session
I will make a light contact with my hands on your body, and“listen” with my hands to support the changes your body is making.
Craniosacral therapy for babies
Babies who are uncomfortable, distressed or struggling to breastfeed, respond really well to Craniosacral Therapy.
Breastfeeding and Craniosacral Therapy
Babies respond very quickly to Craniosacral Therapy, often only needing a few sessions, particularly if they come soon after birth.
Having Fun Is Good For Your Health
Having a CST session is like treating yourself to a mini hibernation. A wonderful way to reawaken the dragon’s fire we all have within us.
Inner Hospitality
Craniosacral Therapy session is really two people offering to pay close and skilled attention to the beautiful complexity of a human body.
Craniosacral Therapy for Scar Tissue
When an injury is deep, the body can produce too much scar tissue, gluing together the layers that should glide over each other.
Bringing a child for a Craniosacral Therapy Session
Notes for parents or carers bringing a child for a Craniosacral Therapy session.
Treating Rocky the Cat
It is not easy, in a world that demands proof for everything, to be in a profession that depends at every moment on feel and intuition.
10 Signs That Your Baby needs Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is an effective way to solve the early problems of breastfeeding, colic, sore breasts, and difficulty latching.
The healing power of crying
Pain that is not recognised and given time to express itself is stored away and becomes a burden that we carry with us.
Craniosacral Therapy: why call it that?
Craniosacral Therapy is a whole body therapy that helps healing for the whole of the body, not just the head.
A Subtle Imbalance. A mother's description of her child's treatment.
I was so surprised by just how responsive my boy was to Vivien carrying out her treatment only just having met her and how quickly Vivien wa
"I don't know how it works, but I think it does" A testimonial
At the time it didn’t seem as if there was any improvement, but after a month I was no longer suffering and I’ve been fine ever since.
The herb garden
If any of the children who grace my practice have an experience of being able to recognise their unique selves I shall have done my job.
Cold Feet. The importance for your health of keeping your Feet Warm.
We have taught ourselves to ignore our cold feet, here are some simple ways to warm them up.
As the days darken. In honour of Samhain.
A Craniosacral Therapy session can help retune the body and the heart for the challenges of the dark time of year.
Finding our inner strength
May you find the inner warmth and strength to blossom into this new season.
In Celebration of Motherhood.
When I see film stars geting praise, the salaries paid to bankers, or the bonuses for CEOs, I think of mothers and I admire them so much.
Stepping over the threshold
There is a special moment at every threshold, when neither the place you are leaving nor the place you will arrive has a hold on you.
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