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Craniosacral Therapy: why call it that?

2 min read

Vivien Ray

Sometimes a client will tell me “I would have come ages ago but I thought you just did things for heads.”

It is not just about fixing heads!

Craniosacral Therapy is a whole body therapy that helps the body to heal and adjust from discomfort in any part of the body and from the discomforts we meet on our journey through life.

Our current attitude to medicine has rather divided the body up for treatment of different bits, but in reality we are whole: body, mind, emotions and our story  are all connected to make us who we are.

I have always struggled with the title of my form of therapy. “Craniosacral Therapy” is such a mouthful and needs quite a lot of explanation. Then it gets abbreviated to “cranio” and which just makes it sound even more like a head therapy.

The cranium is of course the head, actually the bones that cover the brain. The sacrum is the beautiful shield shaped bone at the back of your pelvis that protects your sacred reproductive organs.

So when an osteopath discovered that you can feel the tidal movement of the liquid that bathes the brain and the spinal cord, (known as the cerebrospinal fluid) and that paying attention to its movement could be a healing therapy, it got called Craniosacral Therapy because the spinal cord goes from the brain to the sacrum along the length of the vertebrae.

Maybe if you are already steeped in anatomical jargon it seems obvious. But not for most people. The sacral bit sounds like something mystical and the cranium sounds a bit technical.

Ah well! Too late now.

Whatever your ailment, from head to toes, come and enjoy a session of Craniosacral Therapy. Clients have reported relief from many long term ailments, including fatigue, sore backs, excema, anxiety and they have enjoyed recovery after illness, accidents or surgery.

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